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07 June 2021 | dataset

Vavau Mangrove survey 2012 outputs

The overall objectives of the mangroves survey is conservation of biodiversity by means of sustainable used of mangroves ecosystem and natural resources. In supporting the objectives two primary objectives need to be address;
1. Collecting baseline data on mangrove and associated ecosystem at Koloa and Holeva and other sites as time permits
2. To develop mangroves species zoning using QGIS application and software along with GPS and using the Pacific Mangrove Monitoring Manual as a field guide and methodology.

Field Value
Publisher Department of Environment, Tonga
Release Date
Identifier b2d8ff79-ed71-40b5-9979-a71c5b6b9255
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location Tonga
Relevant Countries Tonga
License Shared
[Open Data]