Information related to the GIS course launch on Wednesday 18th May 2022
for analysis results of waste audit in the region
Information on the location of known seabird breeding colonies throughout the Pacific including all PICTS, also Hawaii, Australian offshore islands and NZ Kermadecs
Highlighting some of the Key Results of the Inform Project
Direct internet link to the Pacific Climate Change portal
This report assesses the overall state of conservation in the Pacific Islands region of Oceania, that is, the 21 countries and territories covered by SPREP plus Pitcairn Island. The report uses an analysis of 16 indicators chosen in consultation with SPREP and based on the Global Biodiversity Indicator project (
A direct internet link to easily access the visualization of ocean acidification conditions and data synthesis products being collected around the world on the GOA-ON Data Explorer portal.
POPs in PICs is a project to eliminate persistent organic pollutants from Pacific Island countries. This report outlines the approximate volume of persistent organic pollutants collected in the Pacific Islands by the end of the project in 2006 for each country as well as lessons learned.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of Wallis and Futuna’s biodiversity, conservation framework
and wetland fauna and flora.
*could be used for the regional SOE initiative*
The Convention for the Protection of Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region (1986) is also known as the SPREP Convention or Noumea Convention. The Convention has two Protocols that also entered into force in 1990. This Convention is the major multilateral umbrella agreement in the Pacific Region for the protection of natural resources and the environment.
Data on climate change, disaster risk and risk management in the Pacific.
Forest area for pacific island countries
Growth and Survival of the Giant Clams
Review of Regional E-Waste Recycling
This publication presents information on coastal and offshore fisheries in the region. The information is broken down into resource categories, the major types of fishing, the important species, the status of those resources, and the fisheries management that occurs.
Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015
Current State of Knowledge of Cetacean Threats, Diversity and Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region
Current State of Knowledge of Cetacean Threats, Diversity and Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region