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Vulnerability of Groundwater in Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga 2009
Over the past 40 years, investigations in Tongatapu have identified a number of natural and
human-related factors that increase or have the potential to increase the vulnerability of fresh
groundwater sources. Some of these studies have suggested strategies to lessen impacts and
improve resilience. This project builds on the considerable weight of those results as well as the
depth of local expertise and the valuable, long-term record of monitoring. Our aim here is to
summarise early work, to examine the current situation and to propose strategies to decrease the
vulnerability of the groundwater resource and the water supply system. The overall goal of this
project is to:
assist assessment of impacts on the aquatic environment and the planning and
sustainable management of the finite water resources of Tongatapu
Additonal Information
Field | Value |
mimetype | application/pdf |
filesize | 7.48 MB |
timestamp | Mon, 06/07/2021 - 01:15 |