A series of free online courses related to different environmental thematic areas:
1. Biological Diversity
2. Chemicals and Waste
3. Climate, Atmosphere and Land
4. International Environmental Governance
5. Oceans and Freshwater
Users can freely participate on any course and receive certificates upon completion of each course syllabus.
Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the InforMEA platform.
These guidelines detail the process, timeline, and steps taken to complete a State of Environment Report.
This is a template that can be used when creating a State of Environment report, and sections can be added or adapted to fit a country’s needs.
This new set of 60 indicator icons can be used in a State of Environment report to indicate the status of environmental issues and progress in a country.
SPREPs recommended template for individual indicators in national SoE reports. The full SoE template will be updated in the coming months.
dataset with internet direct links and resources relating to the global seafloor geomorphic features that represents an important contribution towards the understanding of the distribution of blue habitats. Certain geomorphic feature are known to be good surrogates for biodiversity. For example, seamounts support a different suite of species to abyssal plains.
A direct internet link to and resources pertaining the Blue Habitat website which has been established as a portal for information on the global distribution of marine ‘blue’ habitats. Knowledge on the distribution of blue habitats is an important input into ocean management, marine spatial planning and biodiversity conservation.
Dataset with Pacific related resources and direct internet link to the Birdlife Online data portal. 'Birdlife' is a global partnership of conservation organizations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats, and global biodiversity. Its priorities include preventing extinction of bird species, identifying and safeguarding important sites for birds, maintaining and restoring key bird habitats, and empowering conservationists worldwide.
InforMEA provides easy access to information on Multilateral Environmental Agreements. It is an initiative facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme and supported by the European Union. It seeks to develop Inter-operable information systems for the benefit of the (MEA) Parties and the environment community at large.
This dataset provides direct links to:
1. "Pacific Islands" - related data on the InforMEA portal. For country-specific information, please type *name of country* on the InforMEA portal search tool.
2. Free online courses
Concise environmental legislative reviews of Pacific Island countries plus Tokelau. **Please submit new information or corrections as the reviews will be updated annually.**
State of Environment (SoE) reports provide in-country partners with a process to gather data on current environmental indicators, document their status, and formulate a plan for keeping these indicators on track or developing policies and programs as needed. This SoE Toolkit dataset contains resources that serve as guides to help create up-to-date State of Environment reports.
The status of species is based on evaluations made by a regional network of experts, who were trained to carry out biodiversity assessments according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
A direct internet link to access the PIER (Pacific Islands Ecosystem at Risk) webpage, listing invasive and potentially invasive plant species present in and around the Pacific region.
The paper argues that the mainstreaming of the conservation of the unique terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity of the Pacific Islands, including the traditional knowledge and uses that Pacific Island peoples have for this biodiversity, is by far the most important precondition for ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable development in the small-island states and territories of the Pacific Ocean
Pacific Information brief
This report summarizes the conservation status of 167 freshwater fishes, 166 land snails and 157 reptiles native to the Pacific Islands. It identifies Pacific Island species that are threatened with extinction at the global level, according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria – the world’s most widely accepted methodology for measuring extinction risk.
The PIER database is focused on plant species that are known to have been introduced to the Pacific region including the Pacific Rim. It provides listings and descriptions of plant species that threaten ecosystems and also listed many other invasive and potentially invasive plant species present in and around the Pacific region
This paper attempts to present a “quick snapshot” of the status of biodiversity in the Pacific Islands and the prospects and challenges for the mainstreaming of its conservation and sustainable use by Pacific Island peoples during the 21st century