Summary data of tonga agriculture exports. Source: Agriculture Division.
MEA icons for : SDG and Aichi targets
The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?
Tonga’s State of Environment Report 2018 is complete and currently awaiting official approval and launch. The report is based on 7 thematic areas and it was developed to answer 3 key questions related to the environment;
1. What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
2. What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them
3. Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?
User guide on getting started with the Inform Data Portal
pdf of Tonga State of Environment Report 2018 - lower resolution version best for viewing on computer.
Tonga State of Environment Report 2018 - high resolution version best for print.
6 page summary of the full SoE. Includes some updated information.
A video showing how to use some of the key features of the data portal.
Official DKAN data portal user manual.
FAO Agriculture and Fair Trade in Pacific Island Countries. This desk study has been prepared by Winnie Fay Bell and comments were kindly provided by the Pacific Regional Organic Task Force in May 2009
The increased demand for high quality products in export markets, coupled with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) national desire to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming structures, lead to assume that organic agriculture could offer good prospects for PICs development. Besides market opportunities, organic agriculture could increase PICs food self-reliance and thus, contribute to reducing the alarming trend of dependency on food imports, as well as improving nutrition.