109 results
 Department of Environment, Tonga
 Department of Environment, Tonga

raw rainfall data collected in 2016

 Department of Environment, Tonga

This is the annual report of the MEIDECC for the year 201`8 - 2019

 Department of Environment, Tonga

This is the annual report of MEIDECC for the year 2019-2020

 Department of Environment, Tonga

This report contain National Park for Eua

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Ministry of Fisheries

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Environmental conditions and anthropogenic impacts are key influences on ecological processes and associated ecosystem services. Effective management of Tonga’s marine ecosystems therefore depends on accurate and up-to-date knowledge of environmental and anthropogenic variables. Although many types of environmental and anthropogenic data are now available in global layers, they are often inaccessible to end users, particularly in developing countries with limited accessibility and analytical training.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

the different measurements of coastline/beachline of Tonga

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Includes the yearbook pdf and csv files derived from the tables in the yearbook.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Several GIS file types illustrating Tongan Coral reef geomorphic structure
Data originally produced by Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project validated maps provided by the Institute for Marine Remote Sensing, University of South Florida (IMaRS/USF) and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, Centre de Nouméa), with support from NASA.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Data from the Tonga Meteorological Office.
10 year data series of :
i. Wind Speed
ii. Rainfall
iii. Mean Temperature

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Recorded Tropical cyclones that have crossed the vicinity of Tonga from 2015-2018

 Department of Environment, Tonga
… the objectives two primary objectives need to be address; 1. Collecting baseline data on mangrove and associated …
 Department of Environment, Tonga

Bill for an act to establish a national climate change fund for Tonga, to receive monies from national and international sources and to finance national projects which deal with climate change and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Data on the consumption of petroleum products within each sector. Source: Energy Sector.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Snapper fishery catch data by species 2013-2017. Source: Fisheries Division.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Various Reports relating to the Population Census carried out by the Department of Statistics.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

Inshore fishery catch data by region and fish family. Source: Fisheries Division.

 Department of Environment, Tonga

In the mid 1990s the idea arose that coastal communities should be given powers to regulate fisheries in their nearby marine areas. That concept gained momentum and in the early 2000s a change in Tonga’s fisheries legislation allowed for fisheries management by local communities, through Special Management Areas (SMAs). Since that time the Fisheries Division has worked with coastal communities to establish 11 SMAs.