Over the past 40 years, investigations in Tongatapu have identified a number of natural and
human-related factors that increase or have the potential to increase the vulnerability of fresh
groundwater sources. Some of these studies have suggested strategies to lessen impacts and
improve resilience. This project builds on the considerable weight of those results as well as the
depth of local expertise and the valuable, long-term record of monitoring. Our aim here is to
A video showing how to use some of the key features of the data portal.
Water Resources Report 1992, Appendices A-H
Water Resources Report 1992, Appendices I-K
Water Resources Report 1992 : Appendices L-O
Damage assessment in Atata Island, Kolovao district, Tongatapu division, Tonga as of 18 January 2022
The study was a remarkably productive and enriching experience for all who were involved. It became a forum for critical reflections and analysis. It also built a knowledge and understanding amongst different communities, villages and the survey team.