31 results
… Project implementation of Pacific HYCOS activities in Tonga had been delayed since Oct 2008 due to difficulties …
… on the current status of wastewater and sanitation in Tonga. It was based on an independent review of available …
… An evaluation of water and sanitation in The Kingdom of Tonga, July 2011 The National Water, Sanitation and Climate Outlook for TOnga identifies the Government's and other stakeholder's … water supply and sanitation facilities for the future of Tonga, and will ensure that efforts are focused on supporting …
… It is a valuable document for future water management in Tonga and testimony to his professional dedication and his …
… important water body on Tongatapu, the main island of the Tonga group. The Lagoon occupies a central position on …

A presentation by Mr Taaniela Kula - from the "Groundwater Governance: a Global Framework for Action"

Over the past 40 years, investigations in Tongatapu have identified a number of natural and
human-related factors that increase or have the potential to increase the vulnerability of fresh
groundwater sources. Some of these studies have suggested strategies to lessen impacts and
improve resilience. This project builds on the considerable weight of those results as well as the
depth of local expertise and the valuable, long-term record of monitoring. Our aim here is to

… This report, one of a series of reports from the Tonga Water Supply Master Plan Study, presents the findings … water resources study of the islands in the Kingdom of Tonga. It summarises previous work, documents recent and …
… This map illustrates impact of the Hunga Tonga-hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami in the Atata island (Kolovao district, Tonga) and the related damage assessment as detected from a …

The study was a remarkably productive and enriching experience for all who were involved. It became a forum for critical reflections and analysis. It also built a knowledge and understanding amongst different communities, villages and the survey team.

Access to safe drinking water is a basic need and is one of the most important contributors to public health and to the economic health of communities. Pacific island countries have yet to overcome the challenge of providing a safe and adequate supply of drinking water to its populations. Infectious, waterborne diseases, such as Typhoid and Cholera and newly emerging pathogens are a major cause of morbidity and mortality within the Pacific region.

An analysis is made of the groundwater resources of Tongatapu Island. The Ghyben-Herzberg approximation is used to estimate thicknesses of a fresh-water lens floating on seawater. Finite-difference calculations are used to estimate rainfall recharge rates, and calculations are made to investigate the dispersion of chloride ions across the fresh-water-sale-water interface. These calculations suggest that artificial recharge might be useful devise to control chloride concentrations in the fresh-water aquifier.